Photo Lab 2
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Here are a few more pictures that I took to practice using my cameras for my big trip coming up. I am going on the Journey in the fall, and I heard last week that it is best to practice taking pictures before you go on trips. I think this is good advice, especially for me because I don't spend a lot of time taking pictures. In fact, I had a plan to take pictures, of my family, on Sunday, the 26th of June. I remembered a few times during the day, but kept thinking it would be better to take pictures later. Then, I completely forgot! So not only is practicing picture taking good for leveling up my photography skill, I also need to practice the art of remembering to take pictures. I have two cameras the first is my phone a
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge , the second is my
Nikon Coolpix S570
camera, which I love because I can point, shoot and get great pictures! So I'm taking pictures with both so that I am comfortable with each.
Grant of Land - Phone |
The pictures I took on Saturday are of pictures or framed things at my parents house. I mainly did this because I'm a bit nerdy and I love family archival stuff. This one below is a picture of a Grant of Land to my Greatx4 Grandfather John Clark. He purchased land in Scott County Indiana. The cool thing about his document is that it is signed by Andrew Jackson. Though from my knowledge of signatures, sometimes these documents were signed by the president's secretary or a stamp. It's still cool in my opinion.
This next picture is a photo of my Dad in high school. It is in my sister's old room and she has it next to a snow globe of a piano? Wait I think that might be a that's weird. I think perhaps the snow globe was a gift. But wasn't my dad adorable!
Dad and Snow Globe - Coolpix |
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
On Tuesday, I took some photos on my way from my work to my gym. The first picture I took was of a door. My cousin Bre, who is practically the best photographer I know went through a period of taking pictures of interesting looking door. On their trip to Alaska there were quite a few. Since she is a good photographer, I think perhaps, she knows what to take pictures of. So I tried to. This door is at the Dioceses in Phoenix. The whole building is pretty, but it's hard to get the entire building in a photo, so I just took a picture of the door!
Door Photo - Coolpix |
Then I continued walking and I took a picture of this street sign. There are usually street signs around the city that change from time to time. But the ones around Phoenix currently are quite confusing to me. They read: "The door is open." There are a bunch of them that say this, but nothing else. I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean, but I guess it runs in the theme of the door photos for the day. Also, I think there is a quote from Mother Theresa about Happiness and the door is open. So I think that it fits with the diocese photo as well. Which was not my intention, but kind of fun now that I'm see it!
The Door is Open -- Phone |
After I went to the gym, I walked to my car, before I got inside. I saw this iconic sight from my garage. It is a Camelback Mountain, called such because it looks like a camel. Even though camel's died in the Americas thousands of years ago, I guess America doesn't forget! The mountain has an amazing hiking trail and a great view of the city. So if you are ever in Phoenix
you must check it out...actually, I advise only visiting the hiking trail in the fall, winter or spring, in the summer it can be hazardous and quite a visitors get overheated and stuck while climbing. I also thought it would be a good picture to take, because if there is a haboob, a dust storm, this summer this spot will be a good place to get a picture of the wall of dust. So hopefully, I can get a picture of that.
Camelback Mountain - Coolpix |
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