Thursday, January 14th, 1965 Cerro Azul

When we arose at seven we were anchored in glass-smooth water off the town of Cerro Azul (Blue Hill) Peru. We are some distance from shore and there are no water taxies available. WE expect to depart for Ilo between 11 and 3. No cargo was unloaded, but lighters brought cotton bales that were taken aboard. We left for Ilo, Peru at 12 noon our last stop in Peru.
Friday, January 15th, 1965 Ilo, Peru
Another beautiful day altho we are still in the tropics the temperature is in the 70's. Sea fairly calm. The passengers spent most of the day writing letters and cards. When we rested the Spragues in Lima, Rod said he would try to contact the Southern Peru Copper Corp at Ilo and make arrangements for us to visit smelter. When we docked at 7 PM a man came aboard with immigration and customs looking for us. IT was the port administrator, Coenroad Vasseher, a Hollander, who worked for the copper Corp. as they owned the dock, the only one there. Coenroad took Millie and me and five other passengers out to the company town where we picked up handbook, asst. super. of the smelter and then we drove North on an excellent road (The corp owns and maintains) for nine miles to the smelter. We had a pleasant and informative experience touring the operation. Then we went back to co. town to Co. Club and were treated to drinks and we arrived at dock at 11:30 PM. Our two hosts came aboard and we treated them to drinks. At midnight the ship left for Iquique, Chile.
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