The music is mostly American and there were two dance floors, inside and outside the club. Some guys are pretty aggressive, but for the most part they are not different from the guys in America. They will try to dance with you and you better decide fast if you want to stick around and continue to dance with them. They think that American girls are very easy so you don't want to give them an inch. I don't blame them however, one of the girls we were with disappeared for 5 minutes and we found her making out with one of the guys! Most of the guys are very nice and will ask you questions like where are you from, how long have you been here, etc. If you say you are from Arizona they will sometimes ask where and you will have to say California and they will say California is like a dream, it doesn't exist. If you say you are from Philly they say Will Smith and if you say you are from Puerto Rico they say Ricky Martin. The boys are also more friendly with each other, hugging, kissing each other on the head or on the cheeks. Its really normal. I think I liked that. I feel like they get along better than guys in America do. They are closer, like brothers.
The bathroom is also very different. Girls and boys go into the same bathroom. The sinks etc are the same there are separate stalls for girls and boys, sometimes, but not every time. It is so funny, but I think it makes more sense then having separate bathrooms. You don't have separate bathrooms in your home.