Tuesday, August 5, 2014

South American Tour 1964-1965 (Manzanillo, Mexico)

Wednesday, December 23 1964 (Enroute to Manazanillo)

The train was derailed and the cotton did not arrive for someone forgot to tell the Captain that's Mexico. We sailed for Manzanillo 318 n. miles away at 6 AM. At noon we had gone 74 miles leaving 244 to go. Time was advanced one hour as we went on Central standard time. The sea was still smooth a school of sharks was observed converting in the glassy sea and twice we saw large birds standing on the surface. When the binoculars were put on then we could see there were large turtles floating on the survace. In the evening all the passengers gathered in the lounge and sang christmas songs. Two of them would sing solos and dutes. Bridge topped off the day.

Thursday, December 24 1964 (Manazanillo)

The Porsanger docked in the harbor at Manazanillo at 5:30 AM. I got up at seven. Millie stayed in bed. Her legs bothered her and her ankles were swollen. All other passengers went ashore to see the town which began at the wharf. Many of the people live on the sides of the steep hills which rise from the level streets of the town. I bought some picture postcards, one peso each eight cents (strictly a tourist commodity) and a 2 oz bottle of ink, Sheaffer Skrip, azul-negro, $4.75(pesos) 389.

We were back at 10:45. Cargo was still being loaded and continued so for two hours. Ship left dock at 1:30 PM for acapulco. Sea calm, temp 79.

At 5 PM the passengers joined the officers and crew on deck to celebrate their regular Christmas Eve Party. Cocktails for all and everyone shook hands with a "Merry Christmas" wish to all of the others. With each wish there is a "Skaal" and as there were about 42 people present it became very sticky. Presents were passed out to the ships personnel some from home and at least three from societies in Norway and one in Seattle which sent Xmas gifts to sailors all over the world. The officers joined us for dinner and afterwards we sang Christmas songs in English and in Norwegian. The party lasted until 1 PM.

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